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Applying for a new role - is it with the right organisation?

Choosing an organisation that has a culture that best suits you is important. The right culture will make you happier and more connected with your colleagues. You will want to go to work and you will want to stay with the organisation. So how can you assess the culture?

Here are few areas to ask questions about:

1. Communication

How organisations communicate reflects their culture.
Is it formal or informal? Is email preferred or face-to-face? Are there lots of lengthy group meetings or quick desk catch-ups?
Find out how the organisation communicates. Does it suit your style?
How organisations communicate reflects their culture

2. Work Environment

What's your preference? Open plan. Activity-based working. Loud. Quiet. Conservative. Outgoing.
Different environments suit different people.
Ask the questions and make sure it will be the right place for you.
Different environments suit different people. What's your preference?

3. Technology

Is the technology that is being used Best Practice or just old?
Will you be able to do your job with what's being provided?
Will workflows be smooth and integrated, or will there be repetition and waste?
Best to find out early in the interview process.
Will you be able to do your job with what's being provided?

4. Team culture

What will your colleagues be like? Will you get on? Will you have shared motivators, values and beliefs? What are the team energy levels like?
Find this out before you accept the new position.

5. Decision making

Different organisations make decisions in different ways. Some use facts, others feelings. Some are top-down, others are by consensus.
What's your preference? Rational or emotional?
What's the process? How many stakeholders are involved? How are disagreements resolved?
To be productive you will be involved in the decision making process. Find out if your style is aligned with the new organisation.

6. Rewards & Recognition

What's important to you? Team based rewards or personal rewards? What motivates you to achieve? How do you want to be recognised? These are important components of an organisation's culture. Find out the details before you accept the offer.
How do you want to be recognised? What's important to you?

7. Policies & Procedures

Is conformance with formal policies expected? Is non-conformance tolerated? And by how much? Can top performers take short-cuts? Is the organisation’s working style aligned to your personal preferences? Cultural fit is about alignment of commonly held beliefs and behaviours. For you to be happy and successful the fit needs to be right.
Is the organisation’s working style aligned to your personal preferences?

8. Societal Values

Find out what's important to the organisation.
Look on their websites. Check out their social media presence. Are they making a difference? Advancing society through innovation? Saving the environment? Looking after others?
Are your values aligned with the new organisation?
Choosing the right organisation to move to is an important decision. Making sure that the organisation is the right fit for you is critical to your happiness and success.