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Covid-19 & Flu Season Vs Australia

In today’s current climate we are seeing many industries deeply impacted by the COVID-19 situation. People are in need of work in various industries and whilst the economic situation continues to decline the prevalence of COVID-19 cases increases.



As healthcare recruiters, we are involved in daily discussions around front-line staff for both the clinical and non-clinical aspects. Concerns will always be with the continuity of excellent care for patients, but conversations are now escalating wider -  what is a hospital without its chefs or nurses? What is a business without a Human Resources team?

As industries flex to adapt to the changing environment, (supermarkets taking more staff and airlines finding alternative work for theirs) healthcare is no different. Increases in non-clinical staff have become apparent from chefs to cleaning staff, service advisors to HR.  

We are also seeing an increase on the need for personal care workers and assistant in nursing professionals across hospitals and aged care.
This is to predominately to provide additional support to nurses and front-line car. A blessing in disguise that subsequently their hours decreased in the community.



Whilst we buckle down the hatches and business continuity plans are instigated across all industries; all thoughts are focused towards the preventative measures these businesses need to protect their staff, residents, patients and community from COVID-19. However, at the same time, are people
also planning for the impending flu season? 

Australia will face the challenge of both COVID-19 and Flu Season; therefore, it is arguably more important than ever to be aware, conscientious and pre-planning for the Australian Flu Season 2020. However, there are concerns as the prevalence of COVID-19 increases, people may become hesitant to vaccinate and pre-plan for flu season.   

Flu season affects thousands of Australians every year, without bias, so how can we put our best foot forward to get prepared and prevent further pressure on our healthcare system? 


Due to the similarities in strand of virus of COVID-19 and Influenza, the usual preventative measures for flu season are already being implemented for COVID-19!


  • Hand hygiene

  • Cover coughs and sneezes

  • Avoid sharing

  • Keep surfaces clean

  • Stay home

  • Antibiotics won’t help! 



The next step for businesses is to consider what your teams will look like in case the Flu would impact your team whilst trying to stabilise through COVID-19. Whether your team are required in the workplace, or working from home, the discussions you have and actions you prepare now might have a big influence factor in the prevention of flu this season.   

Pharmacists are now offering flu vouchers that companies can send to their staff, to replace workplace flu vaccinations.  

If we as a nationwide community continue to practice all government and health recommendations and add continuity planning for the flu, as well as COVID-19, we will be able to get through this together and reduce pressure on our front-line healthcare providers. 

It is never too late to plan, prevent and implement!​