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Why exclusive recruitment partnerships secure the best candidates

When you mention the word ‘exclusivity’ to a client there can be an assumption that they will not have access to all available candidates. However, the reality of the situation is an exclusive engagement will present the client with the best candidates in the market, rather than ‘fastest finger first’ from competing agencies.

Recently, with one such client I attended a recruitment orientation day which further cemented my thoughts on this being the best basis to work with any recruiter, and not for the recruiter, but for the benefit of the client.

Our team were invited to attend an orientation day as their new recruitment partner. This is always exciting because it’s something we encourage, but isn’t always seen as a valuable use of time.

The Managing Director himself walked us through the history of the company; how it started and how it has evolved to be what it has become today. I had met the MD previously, but I was instantly bought in to my new business partnership with this company simply based on hearing the clear passion oozing from the Executive.

“In turn, this gives me an equal passion for the company, it’s culture and it’s premises which and will be passed on to my candidates.”

We then learnt about the people, the culture, the processes followed by a tour of the facilities and then a networking lunch to meet the hiring managers.

Now, let’s break down the benefits.

The benefits to the client/hiring company



Firstly it’s a great branding exercise.  My knowledge of their business will be passed on to my networks who will in turn educate their own networks. There will be a consistent message that goes to market about their brand and culture.


Quality over quantity

With all the information provided, my candidate shortlisting for this company will be very specific. Knowing everything I know will easily help me consult with my candidate networks to ascertain who really is the best talent for their team and current needs. Essentially, less CVs are submitted but with highly relevant candidates.


Premium service

When a recruiter is battling with 3 or 4 other agencies on a role, the market has already been saturated. The candidates all know about the role and questions are raised about why the company is going to market through so many channels. As with any working relationship, you’ll naturally work in better synergy on a trusted partnership basis.


Open and honest feedback

A true Recruitment Business Partnership involves a lot of 2-way feedback. Recruitment is my expertise and I need to share my knowledge and feedback with you to help you present your company and brand in the best light. My company will receive honest and candid feedback (good or bad) to help them grow. Equally, I welcome ongoing feedback for myself and my company also. 

Market updates

Because I am in regular communication with the client, they will have a continuous understanding of what is happening in the market and industry and what impact that can have on their business.


Salary information

Every time a vacancy is released, the client will receive real time guidance and feedback on their salary offering.


Free consultation

Before the search begins, the client will have a true and realistic understanding of their search. My understanding of their business will allow me to give them a realistic timescale for the recruit, suggested ideas of what they may need to adapt in the brief and why.


Training and education

All of my Business Partnerships receive additional services such as market mapping exercises, interview training and tips on improving job descriptions



Most importantly, my clients can get on with their every day roles, knowing that their recruitment is in the capable hands of their trusted partner.


Benefits to a recruiter

The recruiter can fill the job more efficiently, with the most appropriate candidate based on more than salary, location and the product.

The additional knowledge of the company, the team, the personalities, and general full picture of role will ensure the culture fit will be aligned. 

My advice to hiring managers

​Next time you reach out to your recruiter to help find that special person for your team, think carefully about choosing a true partner and not just a job filler to support your process.

Invite them in to your offices for coffee, tell them the good, the bad and the ugly and most of all trust them. Set aside regular check-in days and allow your recruitment partner regular updates so, most importantly that gold star candidate that will be your future employee.