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"COVID is driving Innovation in Aged Care, and residents are benefiting".

The COVID pandemic has resulted in many restrictions on visiting Aged Care facilities. At the same time we’re seeing a number of innovative ways being adopted to ensure that connectivity and engagement is being maintained, and thus enhancing the quality of the lives of residents.

Here’s some innovations we’re hearing about:

  • Increased use of Skype, Zoom, Face time to keep in touch with family and friends and staying connected

  • Launching of connectivity apps across facilities

  • Setting up of Facebook groups

  • Providing iPads for everyone

  • Encouraging family, friends, schools and community groups to send in drawings, cards and letters.

  • Sharing photos and videos

  • Setting up a pen pal projects

  • Weekly activity packs being sent out to people living in their own homes.

  • Weekly gym sessions delivered by Zoom.

  • Art classes, book groups, Tai Chi & trivia afternoon delivered online.

  • Window, balcony and virtual visits with family and loved ones.

  • Entertainers and concerts via social media or from the car park/garden.

  • Weekly contact with playgroups and school kids via Zoom.

  • Art competitions

  • Competition quizzes with prizes

  • Zoom entertainment

  • Zoom singing groups


At HPG we are very proud to work in the Aged Care sector and to support the many people assisting older Australians.

To discuss your Facility workforce needs or Aged Care career plans contact the HPG Aged Care team:

Mardi Steven (02) 8877 8738 msteven@hpgconnect.com

Ann-Marie Andrews (02) 8877 8705 aandrews@hpgconnect.com

Francesca Strange (02) 8877 8719 fstrange@hpgconnect.com

Laura Longstaff (02) 8877 8758 llongstaff@hpgconnect.com

Robyn Sinclair (02) 88778777 rsinclair@hpgconnect.com